Frequently asked questions

If you can't find your answer please contact us!
How do I get information about my Clash of Clans caracter?
  • To get all relevant and up-to-date information about your caracter, head to our "Tools" section, click on the "Player tracker" app and in the search box type your tag, it can be found in game on your profile.
Can I track other players?
  • Yes. To get all relevant and up-to-date information about other players, head to our "Tools" section, click on the "Player tracker" app and in the search box type player's tag you wish to track.
How do I track my clan's progress?
  • To get all relevant and up-to-date information about your clan, head to our "Tools" section, click on the "Clan tracker" app and in the search box type your clans tag.
How do I track War progress?
  • If you want to check your clans War progress and flaws, head to our "Tools" section, click on the "War statistic" app and in the search box type your clan tag.
How can I check Clan War League progress?
  • To get all relevant and up-to-date information about your Clans War League progress, head to our "Tools" section, click on the "Clan War League" app, in the search box type your clan tag and select current team size.
Can I be banned for using your app?
  • No. Clash Mighty app is using official Clash of Clans API that is allowing us to use information.
How can I learn more about Clash of Clans and Clash Mighty page?
  • Whether you want to learn new attack strategy, base building technique or history behind Clash Mighty app, you can allways go to our "Blog" section of the web page.
How can I contact you?
  • You can always contact us via email [email protected] just drop us a line and we will get in touch as soon as possible. If you rather prefer social media you can go to our social media channels and contact us that way.
How do I suggest a new feature or report a bug on your page?
  • If you want to suggest a new feature, head to our "Change log & Update"s section and click on "Request". If you want to report a bug you found, head to our "Change log & Update"s section and click on "Report a problem". Or you can allways contact us on your favourite social media.
I love Clash Mighty so much! How can I support you even more?
  • If you really love us and our work, you can always follow us on all of our social media pages or if you feel like super fan you can donate and support further development! If you decide to donate, head to the bottom of our web page and click on "Donate" button, that will reditrect you to secured paypal services.

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Clash Mighty is 100% free app, however if you really love it, you can donate and support the future developing of app.